Our vision and mandate from God in this church is to build people that will build communities, nations and lives.

In this vein, the church has been restructured to function in line with the purposes church which are:


  • Membership: – To make the church welcomed for people through fellowship every first timer or visitors becomes part of us in fellowshipping God together as a family.
  • Maturity: – Deeper teaching through discipleship. Growth in Christ for everyone is part of our goals. ‘. Moving unto maturity….’
  • Worship: – Every of our service makes church stronger through worship: by coming together celebrating God’s faithfulness
  • Ministry: – Discovering your gifting and what you can do for God, from here you will discover your gifting and how to impact your community.
  • Evangelism & Missions: – Making the body of Christ grow through evangelism. ‘’Blessed to be Bless’’ ‘’Saved to Save’’

This is a kingdom project to be executed by the people of HIS kingdom you can be part of this great project by becoming part of this great family of God.


We will be glad to receive and host you to be part of the move of God in our generation.